Monday, October 4, 2010

Venice...... my name is Bond

A smooth flight from Barcelona into Venice, we decided that we would take the water taxi from the airport direct to our apartment takes a quick 20 mins instead of the 70 mins on the bus. As you know Toni is not too keen on boats but I assured her this would be a calm trip. One minute into the ride I am sure the taxi driver thought he was James Bond and drove like a maniac, fag in one hand and the other on the steering wheel. We bumped and flew across the water, passing all other boats with poor Toni gripping on for dear life, thank god there is a speed limit as you approach Venice so he had no choice but too slow down on the approach. One would think that he was escaping the Calabria! We made it right to our canal in about 5 mins ( Toni's version)

The apartment is really the top floor of a house with only one neighbour underneath and right in the old Jewish quarter of Venice, Cannaregio. Settled in and off to explore the area and pick up supplies. There are lots of eating places on the canal so we headed to the local Pizzeria and had a sumptuous meal right on the water. Murano tomorrow Yeah!

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